The Japanese are famous for their EXTRAORDINARY courtesy. This adjective does not capture the essence of things. On the Tokyo subway, I asked a Japanese man rushing to work for help. The Japanese did not know English. For 10 minutes, however, he wanted to politely …
JAPANESE COURTESYWorking with lawyers from the UK and Germany has given me the opportunity to make the extraordinary observation that they are always doing what is most difficult: THEY READ THE DOCUMENTS. I didn’t always do that: (a) I read from start to finish and (b) …
WHAT IS THE MOST DIFFICULTAct of 29 July 2005 on the offer ….. provides for a FINANCIAL PENALTY in the event of improper performance by the company of INFORMATION OBLIGATIONS. This penalty may be imposed: (A) ON THE COMPANY and (B) when the breach of information obligations by the …
KNF fine for breach of disclosure obligationsTHE HOUSING COMMUNITY may pursue CLAIMS relating to physical defects in COMMON IMMOVABLE PROPERTY which the Community may acquire from members of the community on the basis of assignment agreements – WITHIN THE LIMITS of the management of the common property. Physical defects may apply …
Claims of housing communities – legal issuesIn accordance with Article 373 of the Insolvency Law, the court may order deprivation for a period of one to ten years of the right to conduct business and to act as a member of the supervisory board, a representative of a commercial company TO …
Belated bankruptcy claim LIKE A WAR CRIMESorry, this entry is only available in Polish.
(Polski) Szewc bez butów chodziSorry, this entry is only available in Polish.
(Polski) Kwaśna minaSorry, this entry is only available in Polish.
(Polski) Matrimonium non ratum et non consummatumSorry, this entry is only available in Polish.
(Polski) Who is whoNaszą misją jest stworzenie firmy świadczącej usługi prawnicze służące rozstrzyganiu sporów gospodarczych, które opierają się na kilku podstawowych wartościach. Wartości te są wyznawane przez nas nie tylko w pracy, ale także w życiu. Wartości te to: prostota prawda piękno służenie Wartości te realizujemy poprzez określenie …
Nasza Misja