Each answer assumes a situation of question. Therefore, questions should always be recorded in the courts. Now they are being recorded. Court protocols with answers to questions that were not recorded were an extreme insult to reason.
A. Einstein believed in Absolute God, but not in a God who is depicted in some “primitive history” of the Bible in which he is a Person. A. Whitehead did not believe in God, who is absolute, as St. John did. Thomas of Aquinas, who implanted in Christianity the metaphysical ideas of Aristotle. Is God therefore a Person or an Unmoved Mover – Absolute. I dare suspect that these contradictory views of Einstein and Whitehead stemmed from a different context. It resulted from the fact that each of them had a son.
Whitehead had a son, whom he lost in World War I. It was hard for him to accept that God is an absolute whose personal tragedy whitehead does not touch at all. Einstein had a son who went home to the deranged. Is it possible that it was difficult for him to accept that God is some kind of Person who personally punishes Einstein for not know what sins. Einstein NEVER visited a deranged son. Each answer presupposes a situation of question (J. Habermas). The right to a court is the right to ask questions that are listed.
There are two fundamental questions raised by covid-19 business bans: 1. Have the provisions of the relevant regulations , to the extent that they prohibit economic activities, been adopted within the limits of the statutory mandate granted by the Act on combating infectious diseases. The …
Business bans due to CovidIn law studies, we discussed Max Scheler’s excellent book “Problems of Sociology of Knowledge”. Among other things, the author tried to determine why there was no industrial revolution in ancient Greece, even though the level of mathematical and engineering knowledge was already sufficient to build …
Time Travel with Max SchelerI had great pleasure and honor to participate in the Jubilee of Work of Prof. Andrzej Kidyba and even met me with the honor of committing a modest article in the Memorial Book. Prof. Wojciech Katner’s wonderful laudate speech The Excellent Alphabet of Prof. Kidyby …
Great Honor