In “One Million Dollar Baby,” Morgan Freeman often repeats the phrase “Everything goes backwards in boxing.” I have noticed that this observation can also be useful in referring to what a lawyer does in economic matters. Where do I start preparing my lawsuit? From the end. I mean, at first I do the thing I normally do at the end. Whenever I wrote a lawsuit, I completed the attachments. And every time I noticed that on the day on which the deadline for filing a claim (due to limitation or agreed with the customer) expires, I miss many attachments. This caused a lot of confusion, as well as avoidable stress. I hate it. With the lawsuit or letter I rode or drove colleagues to the main post office shortly before midnight. It was already more enjoyable. Then I came up with the trivial idea to do first what I always did at the end.
Thus, after completing the attachments, I have the conviction that I already have the worst of me, and now there have been more pleasant things, like drafting the lawsuit itself. So far, I have not been able to convince anyone of this idea. But I always start writing from the end. Now I find it difficult to com com not com not com not understand how I could tire for so many years traditionally: from start to finish.
There are two fundamental questions raised by covid-19 business bans: 1. Have the provisions of the relevant regulations , to the extent that they prohibit economic activities, been adopted within the limits of the statutory mandate granted by the Act on combating infectious diseases. The …
Business bans due to CovidIn law studies, we discussed Max Scheler’s excellent book “Problems of Sociology of Knowledge”. Among other things, the author tried to determine why there was no industrial revolution in ancient Greece, even though the level of mathematical and engineering knowledge was already sufficient to build …
Time Travel with Max SchelerI had great pleasure and honor to participate in the Jubilee of Work of Prof. Andrzej Kidyba and even met me with the honor of committing a modest article in the Memorial Book. Prof. Wojciech Katner’s wonderful laudate speech The Excellent Alphabet of Prof. Kidyby …
Great Honor