In accordance with Article 373 of the Insolvency Law, the court may order deprivation for a period of one to ten years of the right to conduct business and to act as a member of the supervisory board, a representative of a commercial company TO A PERSON who, among other things, has not filed for bankruptcy within the statutory period.
The provisions of insolvency law, both in their earlier and current versions, do NOT provide for the limitation of the criminal record of this act, which does not even have to be culpable. The absence of such a provision in my view means that the regulation of the prohibition is incompatible with the Constitutional principle of the democratic rule of law.
All criminal offences are criminal offences. The exceptions are crimes against peace, humanity and war crimes. It seems that the late (even not at fault) filing for bankruptcy is an act of EQUIVALENT STATUS to a WAR CRIME. Analysis of the legal status attached. I encourage you to read.
There are two fundamental questions raised by covid-19 business bans: 1. Have the provisions of the relevant regulations , to the extent that they prohibit economic activities, been adopted within the limits of the statutory mandate granted by the Act on combating infectious diseases. The …
Business bans due to CovidIn law studies, we discussed Max Scheler’s excellent book “Problems of Sociology of Knowledge”. Among other things, the author tried to determine why there was no industrial revolution in ancient Greece, even though the level of mathematical and engineering knowledge was already sufficient to build …
Time Travel with Max SchelerI had great pleasure and honor to participate in the Jubilee of Work of Prof. Andrzej Kidyba and even met me with the honor of committing a modest article in the Memorial Book. Prof. Wojciech Katner’s wonderful laudate speech The Excellent Alphabet of Prof. Kidyby …
Great Honor