The notion of good faith in the law is extremely puzzling to me, because it does not change reality, but affects judgment. I give some quotes from different authors: In “Images of Good and Evil,” Ms. Buber defines good as directing human life. Jan Assman …
Good faith (will)In court, everything must be proved according to strict rules. It teaches humility. It can lead to a professional curvature, which is that few things I think are certain and true, because I see no evidence. A trial lawyer has a habit that, after almost …
Dabo Mihi FactumIn the British textbook on law, I read that “the law is easy to understand, but it is difficult to learn the law.” Probably the other way around than in the science of mathematics and physics, where understanding is almost learning. In my opinion, however, …
Right“No one has seen a dog that exchanges a bone with another dog for profit” is the initial sentence that A. Smith writes in a book titled “About the Richness of Nations.” This sentence shows the meaning of economics. The manual from which I learned …
The Meaning of the LawIt is known that the method of practicing science is successful, which consists in transferring the notion from one field (or branch) of science to another and solving the problems of the latter by means of the first. In this way, he the mathematics …
ParadigmI didn’t have a single subject in law and application management. I knew nothing about setting goals and strategies. I was convinced that in litigation everything happens differently, after legal. In the process, seemingly, management is unnecessary. You know: the goal is to win the …
Purpose and TablesThe processionist should not commit the sin of self-incriminating that: “There is no need to focus on what is weakest in the case.” This attitude makes sense in self-development, but not in the courts. I deal most with what is the weakest. In Mec. Hambury’s …
LieIn “Squadron 303,” which we discussed in fifth or sixth grade elementary school as a reading, I read that the pilot of a downed plane sees his whole life in one split second, as if in one flute. I wondered how it was possible. How …
Squadron 303Situation A: The patient has applied to the hospital for treatment. Your doctor has used certain antibiotics and protective medicines. In the treatment information sheet, he inerredually gave the name of the shielding drug. When the Ordinator noticed this, he applied the sanction: he removed …
Procedure but Humanity11 November is my favorite National Day. Our story is about insurrections. I particularly liked the January Uprising. My sentimental reading is “Over the Mute”. From high school, I remembered that I learned the word “procrastinator” when I learned about the November Uprising. It came …
Independence DayIn high school I read “Diary of the Warsaw Uprising” by M. Białoszewski. Then there’s Jan Ciechanowski’s “Warsaw Uprising.” I tried to understand something else by reading N. Davis’s “Rise 44.” In fact, it is possible to say almost nothing about it. “Almost nothing” is …
Between His PeopleI don’t know how many friends Poles have in the world today. I think one of them is Peter Weir, who made a film about us called “The Invincible” (“Way Back”). I watched this director’s film “Picnic over a Hanging Rock” as a child, but …