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One Construction Manager began by answering every question Ms. Judge asked: “Please Lady … “He spoke them in such a tone as the Construction Manager speaks to a dumber tinkerer than himself. So he said, “Please … “. He broke into the “lady” and made a long pause so that the foreman would start looking him in the eye. It was only when The Foreman did so that the witness continued to testify. He said this in a very rude tone. The court i have i have i have i have ied the witness once and twice and the third, how to apply to the General Court. The witness nodded and continued to testify.
The court asked another question and the witness replied: “Please Lady …” The third time, the Court said, imitating somewhat (politely) the tone of the Construction Manager to the Foreman:
– “Please Sir … (pause) … if you say ‘please you’ to the Court again, the General Court will fine you €5,000. PLN for insulting the General Court.’
To each subsequent question, the witness answered the tone of the Fore to the Head of The Project:
– “Please the High Court”.

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