Jarndyce and Jarndyce case

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In the Museum at the Castle in Lublin there is a large wooden judging table from the 18th or 19th centuries. A deep black handprint is burned out in the countertop of this table. As if someone warmed to redness, a metal hand touched this table top. Legend has it that the Devil did it, who could not withstand the injustice of the court in the case of some poor woman, so he appeared angry before the court. Such a Lublin affair – like Jarndyce and Jardynce from the thrilling novel “Bleak House”. I began to wonder why the Devil was outraged by injustice. But it’s not that strange, even in hell there is justice. Perhaps this has something to do with the extraordinary theology of Prof. W. Hryniewicz, according to which even the Antichryst will one day be saved (an idea taken from the teachings of the Russian Saints of the Orthodox Church).

According to Christian doctrine, justice is the fruit of the Gift of Fear of God. I am surprised by this juxtaposition. So can there be true Justice without faith? Faith in Justice or above the Rule of Law? Do we have to believe in it, just like the Egyptians in the mother of justice – the rule of law or the Goddess Maat. The rule of law is the eu’s biggest and most beautiful idea. As in Egypt Maat. History has come full circle? Only instead of pyramids we have CERN.

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