Timesheets (“TS”)

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Lawyers, as a rule, do not like to fill ts. At least in this I was good: from TS I started and on TS finished the day. Only two things you only need to do to improve all activities by 50%: enter TS and Check Lists. TS and ChL are against entropy. Prof. M. Heller explains simply the conundrum: why the so-called time arrow runs in one direction: The fact that time flows in one direction is important for lawyers and law, and TS. However, this is a mystery, because there is a mismatch between what is actually observed and what is apparent from mathematical equations:

(a) it is apparent from Maxwell’s mathematical equations that when we light a candle, light can fly out of or flow into the flame;

(b) from the observation of reality, however, it can be seen that in our Cosmos light flies out of the flame, not arrives at it;

(c) it was not known why in our Cosmos light behaves in this way, when it might as well move in the opposite direction (to fly from space to the flame of a candle);

This has to do with the feature of our Cosmos: it’s about the density of matter distribution (GRM) in space as a whole: GRM changes (decreases) every second and is like 1 clock of the entire Cosmos. That’s why the light moves YES.

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